Without volunteers, Next Step couldn't function. It relies on individuals to give of their time and serve like Jesus did, selflessly and generously. There is a place for everyone here at Next Step. Maybe it's time you found your place.
We are so thankful for your desire to get involved at Next Step and volunteer your time unto the Lord. We are in the process of creating a special place for you to receive current information and monthly interactive scheduling allowing you to let us know which days you are able to serve each month of the year.
We always have need for more partners to fulfill all the roles for daily operations. If you are praying about joining us at Next Step as a volunteer there is some information we want you to see.

"We think that the way to serve God is to do spectacular or showy things—to win a lot of people to Christ or to give our time or work in open ways. Yet the Scriptures tell us over and over that works are just the channel. God wants performance, but only if the attitude of our heart is right."
-Ray Stedman